The Early Years

In the search for a common definition of this apt quintessence of a self-made man, an etymological analysis would prove useful. Before the Nigeria-Biafra war of 1967 to 1970, having concluded his primary education at Primary 6 in Calabar, Uzoma Jonathan Felix (UJF) Ewurum acquired typing and stenography skills at St. Theresa’s Press (publishers of the Catholic Life) which paved the way for his legendary career as a printer and publisher, as he could not further his education at higher levels. In fact, since leaving primary school, UJF Ewurum never had the opportunity nor the privilege nor the means to attend a secondary school, because he lost both parents at a very young age. Born in Calabar on December 28, 1946, UJF lost his mother in 1958, while his father followed in November 1965; rendering him an orphan before the war. In the immediate ensuing years after this double tragedy, UJF and siblings would largely depend on palm kernel, also known as aki or agba (in Umudim parlance), for their daily subsistence. Undeniably, if a man’s beginning is an indication of his end, then UJF’s name might never have escaped the contours of Umuduruonyeoma village of Umudim.


Fortunately, he was a brilliant, focused and ambitious man. Having emanated from such austere disadvantaged background, imagine his younger brother’s (Mr. Sylvester Ewurum) pride when on an evening stroll with his friends they came upon and admired a group of children learning typing on a then sophisticated machine (typewriter), and behold his brother was amongst them. The typing lessons were organized and tutored by a group of white men at St, Theresa’s Calabar. His brother recounts till this day that his pride and joy knew no bounds, and wondered how his brother managed to immerse himself into such privileged and intellectual company. We begin to form an analogy that it was probably here that UJF honed his unparalleled (at least in this part of the world) punctuality skills.


A veteran of the Nigeria-Biafra war, it is pertinent to note that UJF voluntarily enlisted in the Army to prosecute the war. Having miraculously escaped from 9 opposing soldiers who rounded up to capture him, he still ended up being shot in the shoulder subsequently during the war. Bleeding profusely, he was rushed to a hospital where he received treatment. Testament to his tigerish character of defying challenges and rendering selfless service, UJF immediately transformed himself from a patient to volunteer at the hospital when he offered to undertake all typing and secretarial services at the hospital without pay.


The Journey to Greener Pastures… On Foot to Enugu

After the war, in 1970, he literally trekked from his country home, Umuduruonyeoma village in Umudim, Ikeduru LGA of Imo State to Enugu. On this journey, he was accompanied by Sam Osuji (now Barr. Sam Osuji), Late Emmanuel Duru (Eketie) and Christian Emerenini (now Chief Christian Emerenini), where they spent the night at St. Vincent Agbogugu, Awgu prior to entering Enugu city the next day. At Enugu, he and his friend Christian Emerinini were accommodated by a tailor who graciously squatted them in his workshop at College Road, opposite University of Nigeria Enugu Campus, and it was this close proximity to the school that budded his love for, and affinity to UNEC. However, that period, like several of his formative years, was also not rosy, as throughout his stay at College Road, he slept in the tailor’s workshop after the tailor has dismissed for the day, and the machines moved to a corner to make allowance for sleeping space. Incredible to recount that this was a man who would defy all these to build mansions in Enugu and his country home Umuduruonyeoma, Umudim. Incredible!


While in Enugu, he got a job as manager at Ochumba Press, a famous printing company which influenced the naming of Ochumba Close and Ochumba Street, in Achara Layout, Enugu, in 1970. An avid lover of books who read every day like he was addicted to reading books, UJF left his lucrative position at Ochumba Press in 1975 for Daily Star Press for the sole reason of having adequate reading time due to his academic enthusiasm. Testament to his acclaimed fountain of inspiration personality, his very good friend Barr. Sam Osuji would gladly assert that it was UJF Ewurum who encouraged him to apply for the Ordinary and Advanced levels examinations. After work, UJF would meet up with his friend Sam Osuji who worked at Franco Builders and together they would go to the Enugu State Library (ESL) to read till closure of the ESL by 10pm when they will literally be chased out with cane by the attendants. They would normally go to the Nigeriana Section of the Library which contains indigenous journal publications. No doubt, this environment would be significant in molding him into the academic luminary he would eventually become. As the ESL does not open on weekends, their attention would then shift to the British Council. Osuji reports that as UJF never attended secondary school, their scope of study was usually the Advanced Levels examination syllabus.


Education: No Secondary School Education, yet Professor of UNN

In spite of never seeing the 4 walls of a secondary school, Uzoma Ewurum sat for and passed Ordinary and Advanced Levels Examinations in 1975, and was offered admission to study Management and Business Administration at University of Nigeria and university of Lagos. He chose UNN, mainly due to lack of connections and finance that may have been required for relocating to Lagos, and got admitted in 1977. His lifetime confession that Christ has never failed him proved to be accurate when in the midst of paucity of funds for a University programme, he was the beneficiary of a scholarship launching organized in his honour by his uncle Late Mr. Dikeocha, in his hometown of Umudim. The proceeds of the launching were significantly augmented by the Sam Mbakwe government scholarship grant which conveniently held around the same period with the village event.


As a student, UJF also worked as a printer. With a Bachelor’s Degree (B.Sc.) in Management, Second Class Honours (2-1), he was the best graduating student amongst the 1981 set. He repeated this feat at the Masters Level under the tutelage of Late Prof. Agwu Akpala, attaining a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) degree in Management in 1985, which he combined with a joint project of his colleagues at the Department of Management as Personnel Auditor of Anambra State Housing Authority in 1984. This scholarly feat attracted the benevolence of the SAB Ejimofor Fellowship for PG Studies, Uturu Abia State, who granted him a Scholarship to study PhD in Management at UNN for the period 1988 to 1990, though he gained admission in 1986 and concluded the programme in 1991. His co-beneficiaries were Mr. Ejezie (now Prof. Ejezie, Dean of Basic Medical Sciences, UNEC) and Mr. Charles Soludo (now Prof. Charles Soludo, a former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria). Having bagged his Doctorate degree in 1991, UJF Ewurum became one of the very few to get PhD at UNN as an Assistant Lecturer. He became a Professor of Management in 2010.


Home Sweet Home

It was at Daily Star Press, where he combined school work and print development in the darkroom as Head of Graphic Arts Department (Commercial Division) (1976-1977), that he met the love of his life, Chinyelu Ruth Ijeoma (now Ezinne Chief Chinyelu Ewurum), who he would fondly come to refer to as Chy. In one of the myriads of his great humility and Christ-likeness, Prof. Uzoma Jonathan Felix Ewurum served as the manager of United Church of Christ (UCC) printing press at Isuochi where he was owed salary for the entire 9 months he worked. He had his National Youth Service in 1982 at Umunya in Anambra where he developed his immaculate and effective teaching skills at the Community Secondary School, Umunya, and worked briefly as Manager, Peace Press Okigwe.


As the love blossomed between him and his Darling Chinyelu, they held their traditional marriage in 1981, same year he graduated, and then wedded in April 1983. The marriage is blessed with four children, two boys and two girls. With his dear wife, UJF gave their time, sweat and blood towards the development of their children, and ensuring that they lacked absolutely nothing that was deemed necessary for their growth and development. UJF would be made fun of, by some people, because he would go to work with ‘patch-patch trousers’ for a number of years, ignoring his welfare in a bid to ensure his family has the best education. Today, he was blessed with 4 graduates. His first son Nonso has both Masters’ and Doctorate Degrees in Estate Management; his second son Somto has a Bachelors’ Degree in Management; his first daughter Nneoma has a Masters’ Degree in Management, while his second daughter Oluchi has a Bachelors’ Degree in Biotechnology and a renowned Fashion Designer and entrepreneur in Enugu.


High Chief Prof. UJF Ewurum became a grandfather when Nonso’s wife, Ijeoma, gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, named IhemsobaChukwu (Soby). As Prof. would impress upon his children and their wives to do ye engine (get pregnant), the 7 grandchildren he amassed implied that he no doubt left, a fulfilled man. From Nonso, he had 4 grandchildren named Soby (male), Chizaramekpere (Zara) (female), Chukwudalu (Dal) (male) and Chimamanda (Amanda) (female). From Somto he had 3 grandchildren named Chikamso (male), Adannaya (female) and Arinze (male). There is a belief amongst the family that considering the conditions prevalent between the birth of Somto’s second son and Prof. UJF’s demise, Arinze is indeed Prof, reincarnated. Thus, he was baptized as Jonathan, in memory of his grandfather Prof. Uzoma Jonathan Felix Ewurum. Soby also bears Prof’s name Uzoma in honour of his beloved grandpa. So, in all ramifications, Prof. UJF Ewurum lives on.


View on Prosperity

Indeed, in view of sober reflection, Prof is a man of many souls. An exposition of the dynamics of some global indices of self-worth and greatness would help in understanding this avowal. UJF is an academic luminary, a social being, a cultural enthusiast, an entrepreneur, and an Ambassador of Christ.


The Academic, Scholar, Author, Teacher… Father

As an academic luminary, Prof. UJF Ewurum made several outstanding contributions to extant literature and knowledge, pioneered several academic programmes, and anchored several educational ships. He was a committed and dedicated member of professional associations rising to the cadre of Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) (Chartered), Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants, and Fellow, Institute of Corporate Administration. He was a Research Fellow of the Institute of Development Studies, UNEC, for over 14 years. As a Scholar, Prof. specialized in Human Resources Management, Organizational Behaviour, Advanced Management Theory, Analytical Techniques in Business, Strategic Management Operations, Operations Management, Business Statistics, Management Science and Operations Research.


As a Lecturer, his accomplishments are unparalleled. To his testimony, several individuals have been educated to various levels as he gave his time and resources to ensure their success. Prof’s protégé has rendered nothing but great and noble accounts of his stewardship. The ease with which he breaks down complex subjects, the kindness shown to students, the encouragement rendered to supervisees to complete their programme timely, the financial assistance to students struggling to pay their fees, his punctuality and dedication to lectures, the extra study time granted to students who require more clarification, the fact that all these come at absolutely no extra cost to the student in cash nor kind… the testimonies are everlasting. To crown it all, Prof. UJF Ewurum, the man who never attended secondary school, successfully supervised over 150 PhD Dissertations, over 350 Masters (M.Sc./MBA) Theses, over 300 PGD Projects and countless B.Sc. Projects across the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Verifiable documented and oral records lend credence to this great feat, not a single word of exaggeration was uttered in this claim.


As Researcher and Author, Prof. UJF Ewurum had over 48 journal article publications, over 8 Book Chapters, 2 Books including the globally acclaimed and revered Red Book “Business Administration”, and the Culturally celebrated “Management and Organizational Performance in Igbo Cultural Perspective”. Two very interesting and must-read books for any adult, whether affiliated with business management and administration or not. On the Red Book, the Late oracle of Management, Prof. Agwu Akpala, in his Foreword averred that, “Foreign books, although very useful in terms of presentation of basic theories and principles, fail to address the facts of the situation in their applications and illustrations. I must not fail to commend the authors for a job well done in bringing home the basic business principles to the Nigerian environment”.


Prof. Ewurum’s second book was prefaced by a renowned authority in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Strategic Management, Late Prof. Emeka Okpara. Prof. Okpara extrapolated that the critically acclaimed book on Management and Organizational Performance in Igbo Cultural Perspective was surprisingly, to his knowledge, the first of its kind in Nigeria. He asserted that the book enthused a though-provoking fusion between modern and the Igbo indigenous management practices, and marveled at the originality and currency of the content especially as the Igbos are known for their academic and cultural progress.


Prof Ewurum also authored a stimulating Monograph titled “Trado-Cultural Factors of Directing Fusible with Management Systems in Nigeria’s Igbo-speaking States”. In spite of the title, the book remains one of the simplest to comprehend texts. Prof UJF Ewurum had over 16 Conference, Workshop, Symposium and Seminar paper presentations while attending several more. Prof. UJF Ewurum’s works are available at


Meritorious Service to Humanity, Nation, Universe

High Chief Prof. UJF Ewurum touched the lives of many, not just with his humour and kindness, but also with his motivation to help others find their way in life. Prof. Ewurum served as Head of Department, Dean and Editor-in-Chief of reputable national and international journals.  He was a 4-time Head, Department of Management; Dean, Faculty of Business Administration (2010 to 2012) and a 4-time Associate Dean of the Faculty. During Sabbatical Leave between the years 2006 to 2007, he served as Head, Department of Management, Ebonyi State University, Abakiliki. He was the Coordinator of the several academic programmes such as CMD-UNN Executive PG Programme, Lagos, Faculty of Business Administration UNEC PG Programme, and the FBA Distance Learning Programme. Prof. UJF Ewurum established and coordinated the NIM-NYSC Programme, Enugu Centre.


As apolitical as one could imagine, it is still a thing of wonder to many who knew him that Prof. UJF Ewurum bowed to pressure from his colleagues to assume the post of Faculty Representative at the UNN Senate. He was also a Member of the Senate Publications and Time-Table Committees and Chairman Faculty Time-Table Committee for some years. he was a Member of some other bodies such as Junior Staff Housing Committee, UNEC, Examination Malpractice Committee, Management Board CMD-UNN PG Programme, and Member Management Board University of Nigeria Press.


Other services rendered to several academic and professional bodies include Membership of NIM Council, several NIM Council Committees, Editorial Board of the Management in Nigeria Journal, National Universities Commission Accreditation panels. He was a former Chairman of NIM (Chartered), UNEC Chapter and also Chaired NIM’s Seminar Committee covering the South East Zone of Nigeria. In services to humanity, albeit from an academic perspective, Prof. UJF Ewurum assessed over 20 candidates from various Nigerian Universities for Professorship. He also referred and guaranteed countless candidates for national and international appointments and employments.


Postgraduate Programme External Examiner to Deaprtment of Business Administration of the University of Uyo, Uyo; Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu; University of Abuja, Abuja; Imo State University, Owerri; Anambra State University, Uli; Chukwuemeka Odimegwu Ojukwu University, Uli; Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka; Federal University of Technology Owerri; Abia State University, Uturu; Kogi State University, Anyigba; Benue State University, Makurdi; Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu; University of Jos, Jos; and Cross River State University of Technology, Ogoja. He must have enjoyed his time at Calabar, which probably explains why CRUTECH Ogoja, Calabar happened to be his last academic assignment and the last time he consciously ventured out of his base in Enugu. As he was born in Calabar, proudly speaking the language fluently at every prompting, one can easily infer that his attachment to the ancient city started quite early and sustained till the twilight of his life.


In addition to being former Postgraduate Programme External Examiner to Department of Public Administration of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka; Department of Management & Marketing, Ebonyi State University, Abakiliki. He was a former Examiner in Business Administration, Marketing Management and Production Management at the Business Education Examination Council, Nigeria; and PG Supervisor at the Institute of Development Studies. Prof’s probity was recognized when he was appointed Treasurer at the Institute of Management Consultants, Enugu Branch.


Prof. Ewurum founded and was the Editor-in-Chief of the Nigerian Journal of Management Research from 2009 to 2017, and from then took up the same role at Sustainable Empirical Environmental Research (SEER) Journal, a reputable international journal published by Boldscholar Research Inc (, till his demise in 2021. Prof was also the Editor of 3 Books – “Managing Service Quality in the Nigerian Public Sector”, “Business Management Topics”, Vol. I & II.


The Survivor

Surviving the civil war, albeit with a gunshot, and surviving an armed robbery attack when his brand-new Mercedes Benz was snatched after only 3 months of purchase, one would have been tempted to feel that he has had his own share of grave misfortune. A hard worker and selfless contributor to human capital development across the 6 geopolitical zones of the country. It was on one such trip to the UNN Business School Lagos Centre that he had an accident in 2001, in which 28 fatalities were recorded. Thankfully he survived the ordeal, having broken the left hand and the right leg, but then embarked on a series of surgeries and correction surgeries which led to a slight shortening of his right leg. Till his demise, Prof. became accustomed to wearing sandals with higher right soles.


After 3 surgeries, the excruciating pain he experienced for about 3 years subsided. In spite of this agony, he was not deterred as he continued his nation building service at first on a wheelchair, then on crutches and till his passing, with a walking stick. He would travel across the nation on lecturing, paper presentation, accreditation and supervision missions in this condition. What a man? It would be noble and gratuitous to acknowledge that a substantial proportion of the hospital bill was graciously paid for, by several volunteers who had at one time or the other passed through his great tutelage. Though, this had to be done behind his back as they knew he would never have concurred to that.


In spite of this brief sojourn in his career, Uzoma Jonathan Felix would go on to become a Professor of Management, in the highly prestigious and renowned University of Nigeria (UNN). Prior to retiring in 2013, Prof held and still holds the enviable position of having produced the highest number of Doctorate degree holders in Management, in Nigeria, comprising Reverend Fathers, Professors, Vice Chancellors, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Registrars, Deputy Governors, Senators, Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Comedians, and Traditional Rulers. Others are First Ladies, Captains of Industry, Academics, Lawyers, Chief Executive Officers of multilateral organizations, civil servants, Honourable members of the House of Representatives and State Assemblies, Commissioners, Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Broadcasters and Journalists, traders, to mention a few. Yet, he never utilized this juicy position to beg for favour nor accept bribes from this array of dignitaries and very important (and still important) personalities.


The demographic significance of this prestigious compendium and cornucopia of proteges, from the deserts and farmlands of the north to the oil fields of the south and beyond the boundaries of the Nigerian map, lays claim to the consensual assertion that Prof. UJF Ewurum was a detribalized Nigerian who greatly left indelible footprints in the sands of this nation’s history, and a legacy of inspiration for posterity.


The High Chief: Ezealagu, Ebube Agu

The cultural fervor of High Chief Prof. UJF Ewurum can be accentuated by his PhD dissertation which centered on Management from an Igbo Perspective. This devotion to the ideals, norms and progress of his community propelled him to the Vice Chairman position, and later a Patron of Umudim Town Union Enugu Branch. Having enjoyed a scholarship grant to pursue a B.Sc. study, Prof. Ewurum would also replicate the gesture by announcing and offering a scholarship programme to his community, Umudim. The hardship he endured growing up probably informed his charitable and philanthropic gestures to his people. One of the instances was when he pushed through the electrification of Umuduruonyeoma village of Umudim, donating a transformer to his able.


Till his death in 2021, High Chief Professor UJF Ewurum was the only man to build a duplex each for his 2 sons, and when he received a gift of 25 bags of cement from his friend Sam Osuji (who worked at Franco Builders) in the 1970s, he channeled the whole bags towards the maintenance improvement of the Dikeocha Ewurum family house. This kind benevolence towards his people was also extended to his Club, the Umuduruonyeoma Social Club, where he was referred to as Ogbuefi Ezealagu in recognition of his cow gift to the Club.


In recognition of these exploits and commitment to the progress of Umudim in particular and Nigeria in general, Prof. UJF Ewurum was amongst the first 5 Chiefs decorated by the traditional ruler of Umudim, HRH, Eze H.W.A. Ebirim, the Dim I of Ancient Kingdom of Umudim on January 1, 2012 as Ezealagu I of Umudim (King of the Land of Tigers). This was followed by an immediate appointment to the esteemed position of Cabinet Member of the Divine Covenant Palace of Umudim.


Acknowledging his lifetime achievements, and his love, support and loyalty to his in-laws at Ikem and Nawfia, the Ikem Uno and Ikem Asogwa community honoured him and his wife with the status of High Chief. He was personally decorated by the traditional ruler of Ikem, HRH Igwe Engr. Okey J. Ogbodo, Ezekwesili of Ikem-Uno & Eze Odezuligbo of Ikem Asokwa Kingdom, as Ebube Agu of Ikem-Asokwa, Ikem, Isi-Uzo LGA of Enugu State on December 29, 2012. His wife was also honoured with the Chieftaincy title of Ada di Ora Mma of Ikem, Isi-Uzo LGA, Enugu State.


The Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, Prof. UJF Ewurum was the owner and Chief Executive Officer of the prestigious Precision Publishers Limited. The publishing company doubled as printer and publisher of books and journals. The Press has published over 60 book titles, and was a publisher of the Nigerian Journal of Management Research. Precision Publishers, through Prof’s guidance, has produced over 12 printers and managers of publishing companies across the federation. Incidentally, this brochure was printed and published by one of his star proteges, Hon. Iyke Ogbonna, owner of EasyPrints Limited, Enugu.


The Christ Ambassador

Every member of Prof. UJF Ewurum’s family will readily recall his almost boastful proclamations of being an associate of the God-kind, an Ambassador of Christ, and a graduate of 7 years Mass Service. Prof would always say, “Don’t worry, relax and be patient, I served mass for 7 years, my God and I are always together… Alleluia”. His conduct and disposition throughout his entire life has supported this claim.


Two striking instances suffice. First, on April 10, 2021 during the Baptism, at St. Mulumba Catholic Church, of his second son Somto’s son Arinze Jonathan who was born in January, 2021; the Catechist, Mr. Raymond, made an astounding revelation. For whatever reason, he chose that exact moment to announce to the family that the Baptismal Card used for that particular Baptism was provided voluntarily and freely by Prof. Uzoma Jonathan Ewurum. Actually, he opined that over 5 years ago, when Prof was about to shut down his printing press, he bought and printed those cards and freely gifted them to the Church as a way of thanking God for his printing exploits, and the Church has been using them ever since. Remarkably, Prof told absolutely no one about this, apart from the Chaplain at the time, Monsignor Anijielo.


The second instance was recounted by his very close friend, Prof. Ejezie. Prof. Ejezie narrated that at a time when the provision of food and refreshments to members at Catholic Men’s Organization (CMO) SMCC UNEC meetings seemed to be eating into the Organization’s account, Prof. Ewurum altruistically volunteered to host the Organization. In what might have been deemed a joke, Prof Ewurum carried out his promise to the letter by providing a very sumptuous meal for the whole Organization. It was this noble and remarkable act that ushered in the current agelong tradition of rotational hosting amongst volunteering CMO members that has cemented the bond between the fathers till this day.


Incidentally, as we mourn the passing of Prof. this day in April, the current CMO UNEC Chairman, Prof. Chukwuali will readily remind us that prior to the Coronavirus lockdown in 2020, Prof. Ewurum promised to host the organization at the April meeting in commemoration of his first son, Nonso’s acquisition of a PhD Degree in Estate Management in 2019 at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra.  Suffice to say that instead of him hosting that meeting as envisaged, the meeting was hosted by the Organization with his obsequies dominating the Agenda. Truly, man proposes, God disposes, but then, we cannot query God.


The Man

With further chronological advancement, those who know Prof. UJF Ewurum provide us with a collaborative account of a no-nonsense, up-to-date, kind and peaceful man, whose humility and belief in equity, fairness, hard work, candor and probity is renowned. His yes is a sure YES, his no is a resounding NO; quod nihil minus (nothing more, nothing less). These traits are embedded in a spirit of selflessness and sacrifice which operates on the consensual premise that we work for God, who only rewards our works. Flowing from this logic, Prof. Ewurum has turned down several Chieftaincy titles from an array of communities in Igboland, in addition to respectfully declining awards from various business and professional entities, including a very prestigious NIM (Chartered) award. Humble to the core, Prof. Ewurum led a very simple life in spite of his colossal achievements and myriad of successful and influential proteges. Yet, almost everyone who knew him readily attests to Prof’s very funny and amiable personality.


Today, we mourn a well-liked man who was ever present at everyone’s time of need – whether from the low, middle or high class. A man who treated people fairly with love, anchored on his philosophy that Wine may be special and more expensive than Water which is ordinary, yet everyone can do without Wine, but no one can do without Water, and without Water, there is no Wine. So, treat the special and ordinary in the same way, without fear but with all-round favour. This is the man we have lost today – a beautiful soul who gave all, and withheld nothing back. High Chief Prof. UJF Ewurum passed on, as a result of complications from Kidney failure, on February 27, 2021.


A Precis

Prof. UJF Ewurum lived to serve and inspire humanity, and praise God, he excellently achieved that. Even with his demise, as an astute planner and manager, he continues to lay the foundations and framework to ensure that his family never endures the suffering he encountered in life. We conclude with the words of Chief Emmanuel Iniegbu (Chairman Mao, Odenka I of Umudim, Divine Covenant Palace Cabinet Secretary and Somto’s godfather), “Prof. UJF Ewurum was a highly resourceful self-made icon, simplicity personified, doyen of Management and distinguished member of Divine Covenant Cabinet, Umudim”.


Though we mourn… the Angels rejoice.


Forever in the Lord,

Ezealagu (King of the land of tigers)

Ebube Agu (The glory of a Tiger)

Professor of the Lion’s Den (UNN) (Lion King)


High Chief Prof. UJF Ewurum is survived by…

Ezinne Chief Mrs. Chinyelu Ewurum (wife)

Ezinwa Dr. Nonso Ewurum (son)

Mr. Somto Ewurum (son)

Miss Nneoma Ewurum (daughter)

Miss Oluchi Ewurum (daughter)

Master Soby Ewurum (grandson)

Miss Zara Ewurum (granddaughter)

Master Chikamso Ewurum (grandson)

Master Dal Ewurum (grandson)

Miss Adannaya Ewurum (granddaughter)

Miss Amanda Ewurum (granddaughter)

Master Arinze Jonathan Ewurum (grandson)

Mrs. Cordelia Eke (sister)

Mr. Sylvester Ewurum (brother)

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