International Journal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform (IJLDLR)

[ISSN 2050-5183 (Print)

ISSN 2050-5191 (Online)]





The International Journal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform is a peer-reviewed journal, and it is devoted to publishing in all areas of legal practice as well as reviews of spectacular contemporary cases and statutes. It is mandatory that any article submitted for publication must be an original manuscript and should not have been submitted elsewhere for publication. Preference will be given to articles with comparative flavor in terms of jurisdictions.


1. Manuscripts submitted for consideration must not be under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication or published elsewhere and, if accepted, they should not then be published elsewhere in the same form of their publication in the International Journal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform. The Journal will be in print and online versions.

      2.   The Journal is an Open Access Journal with papers hoisted on its website and in   print.

3.  The title page, information about the author, institutional affiliation, and email address should be on the first page of the article. The authors’ name(s) should appear centered under the title. Articles should be in Microsoft word format, 12 font size, and 1.5 line spacing. Quotations should be 1.15 line spacing without quotation marks.

4.   Manuscripts  must  be  clearly written  in  UK  English  and  should  be  submitted  in electronic  format  in Microsoft Word to   [email protected] / [email protected] /[email protected]

5.   Submitted manuscripts will be subjected to plagiarism tests and compliance with the Guidelines of the Editorial Team. Authors agree to transfer the copyright of their works to the IJLDLR as the publisher.

6.   Authors should strictly respect the intellectual property rights of other authors. Submitted works should not, to the best of the author’s knowledge, contain anything which is libelous, illegal, or infringes on anyone’s copyright or other rights.

7. Manuscripts should also be accompanied by an abstract, which summarizes the Manuscript in not more than 250 words. The abstract should clearly state the manuscript’s main argument and relevance to contemporary legal issues.

8.  Manuscripts should be well referenced in automatically generated Arabic numbering footnotes (not endnotes) and must accord with the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA 4th edition) available at

        9.  Submissions

          The journal accepts the following types of manuscript:

(i)  Long  Articles   between  6,000   and 10,000 words but not exceeding 10,000 words including     footnotes.

            (ii) Short Articles not exceeding 5,000 words including footnotes.

            (iii)  Case Notes not exceeding 3000 words including footnotes; and

            (iv)  Book Reviews not exceeding 2500 words including footnotes.

10. Articles, case reviews, and comments are published as received periodically on an annual basis. The Deadline for submission into this Extended Call is 7th July 2024.

11.  All submissions are subject to a double- blind peer-review editorial process by our General   Editors and Editorial Team.

12. All correspondences should be directed to the address stated below:


                                          Dr Erimma Gloria Orie , FCArb

Guest Editor

                     International Journal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform

          Email: [email protected] / [email protected] /[email protected]


Phone: +234 - 8065100464


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